The Customer Relationship Management module enables sales/order entry personnel to accessvital information in order to service customers more rapidly. It offers immediate, up to date
information regarding customer activity, order status, inventory availability, pricing, and credit.
During order entry, a complete credit check is performed. In cases where credit may be in
question, on-line access to accounts receivable aging is available. This Module is specifically
designed with the inside salesperson in mind. Its powerful and user-friendly programs will
allow your staff to easily provide the best customer service possible.
The Customer Relationship Management Module is an important time saver. It reduces
voluminous amounts of paperwork, streamlines your operation, and provides your employees
with the visibility they need. It allows the sales department to track their activities with
customers and prospects, and provides callback reports so important calls are not forgotten.
Orders and quotes placed, shipments made, cash received, letters and samples sent, etc., are
automatically recorded and displayed on the Electronic Notepad. Quotes, letters and/or sales
orders can automatically be emailed from each terminal.
- Receive inbound calls for orders or service, or perform outbound calls with call-back scheduling
- Allows the option of placing quotes or orders--with emailing capabilities
- Single entry of account code for all information displays with alpha search
- Automatic credit check based on credit limit and aging
- Aged accounts receivable inquiry
- On-line history of customer contact, orders placed, invoices and cash received
- Look-up, access, and update of prospect, customer, and mail list files
- Initiate new complete credit application
- Displays last sell price--with lookup for last 16 sell prices for each item
- Document search that also displays the actual image and related documents